Book cover for the novel Strega by Johanne Lykke Naderehvandi.
Albert Bonniers Förlag, 2020. Graphic design: Jennifer Bergkvist.
Albert Bonniers Förlag, 2020. Graphic design: Jennifer Bergkvist.
Varför beskrivs högern som punk? — Kontext, 2022
Några tankar om tid — Ponton #3, 2020
Några tankar om tid — Ponton #3, 2020
Workshops and teaching:

Reading group: Sociala medier – Volontärarbete i ett evigt nu?
Hägerstensåsens Medborgarhus, 2022
“…in a world were you have such an extraordinary amount of information coming at you and the supposed responsibility which is entirely fake but given to you by the tech companies that to be a good citizen you must contain every nudge, every notification, every news cycle in your brain…”
Zadie Smith Call Your Girlfriend Podcast (07 aug. 2020).
“Instead of inhabiting a stable world of objects made to last human beings found themselves sucked into an accelerating process of production and consumption.” Margaret Canovan in The Human Condition, Hannah Arendt (1988).
Hägerstensåsens Medborgarhus, 2022
“…in a world were you have such an extraordinary amount of information coming at you and the supposed responsibility which is entirely fake but given to you by the tech companies that to be a good citizen you must contain every nudge, every notification, every news cycle in your brain…”
Zadie Smith Call Your Girlfriend Podcast (07 aug. 2020).
“Instead of inhabiting a stable world of objects made to last human beings found themselves sucked into an accelerating process of production and consumption.” Margaret Canovan in The Human Condition, Hannah Arendt (1988).

A three day workshop on the concept of control – its unwritten terms and conditions in relation to art education and aesthetics.
Course developed with Jennifer Bergkvist, Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design (2017).
A three day workshop on the concept of control – its unwritten terms and conditions in relation to art education and aesthetics.
Course developed with Jennifer Bergkvist, Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design (2017).

How Will I Know?
Lecture on how intuition is made (un)intelligible within higher fine art education, with the aim to question how the effects of this (un)articulation can reinforce or challenge configurations of power.
Graphic design: Anna Brumark.
Posters 2021-2023